Sobib kõikidele Briggs&Stratton mootoritele, millel on pikem õlifilter. Sobib ka Kohlerile (asendab koodi: 5205002S). Pildid on illustreeriva tähendusega.
Lühikene filter sobib enamikele Briggs & Stratton Intek ja Vanguard OHV mootoritele. Pilt on illustreeriva tähendusega. Lisaks asendab ka: Briggs and Stratton 492932S Briggs and Stratton 696854 Briggs and Stratton 4237 Briggs and Stratton 842921 Briggs and Stratton 5049H Briggs and Stratton 4154 Briggs and Stratton 5049 Briggs and Stratton 492932B Briggs and Stratton 492932 Briggs and Stratton 492056 EZ-Go…